Diskusjon:Vlad III Dracula

dracula var tilnamnet til FAREN hans, IKKJE til vlad tepes sjølv!!!

I følgje engelsk wiki er Dracula (Draculea) slektsnamnet, det burde vel derfor vere med? På en står: "His Romanian surname Draculea (transliterated as Dracula in foreign languages of the historical documents where his name is mentioned) seems to come from his father's surname Dracul (see Vlad II Dracul); the latter who was a member of the Order of the Dragon created by Emperor Sigismund. The family of Vlad III Basarab had two factions, the Drăculeşti and the Dăneşti." stykkjet 06:45, 4 september 2006 (UTC)
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