COA_Valjevo.gif (584 × 500 pikslar, filstorleik: 100 KB, MIME-type: image/gif)

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English: Coat of Arms of the city and municipality of Valjevo in Serbia
Dato 26.november.08
Kjelde [1]
Opphavsperson Republic Serbia (Republika Srbija)
(Gjenbruk av denne fila)
Public domain
This work is in the public domain because according to the Copyright Law of Serbia (details), "Work is not copyrighted if the work is:
  1. Laws, decrees and other regulations;
  2. Official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  3. Official translations of regulations and official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  4. Submissions and other documents presented in the administrative or court proceedings."
A source should be included so that the status can be verified.

Deutsch | English | македонски | српски / srpski | +/−

Public domain
This work is in the public domain because according to the Copyright Law of Serbia (details), "Work is not copyrighted if the work is:
  1. Laws, decrees and other regulations;
  2. Official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  3. Official translations of regulations and official materials of state bodies and bodies performing public functions;
  4. Submissions and other documents presented in the administrative or court proceedings."
A source should be included so that the status can be verified.

Deutsch | English | македонски | српски / srpski | +/−


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102 675 byte

500 piksel

584 piksel


Klikk på dato/klokkeslett for å sjå fila slik ho var på det tidspunktet.

gjeldande30. september 2010 kl. 16:22Miniatyrbilete av versjonen frå 30. september 2010 kl. 16:22584 × 500 (100 KB)Boris DimitrovNew version of Coat of Arms
26. november 2008 kl. 18:48Miniatyrbilete av versjonen frå 26. november 2008 kl. 18:48168 × 216 (10 KB)Milosevo{{Information |Description={{en|Coat of Arms of the city and municipality of Valjevo in Serbia}} |Source=[] |Date=26.november.08 |Author=Republic Serbia (Republika Srbija) |Permission={{PD-SerbiaGov}} |other_v

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