Seksuell orientering

Seksuell orientering refererer til eit vedvarande mønster av romantisk eller seksuell tiltrekking (eller ein kombinasjon av begge) mot personar av motsett kjønn, same kjønn, eller fleire kjønn. Desse mønstera blir vanlegvis klassifiserte som heterofili, homofili og bifili.[1][2][3] Aseksualitet, som inneber fråvær av seksuell tiltrekking til andre, blir nokre gonger anerkjent som ein fjerde kategori.[4][5]



  1. «Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality» (på engelsk). American Psychological Association. Henta 6. februar 2020. 
  2. «Sexual Orientation» (på engelsk). American Psychiatric Association. Henta 1. januar 2013. 
  3. «Definitions Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in APA Documents» (PDF) (på engelsk). American Psychological Association. Henta 6. februar 2020. «Sexual orientation refers to the sex of those to whom one is sexually and romantically attracted. [...] [It is] one's enduring sexual attraction to male partners, female partners, or both. Sexual orientation may be heterosexual, same-sex (gay or lesbian), or bisexual. [...] A person may be attracted to men, women, both, neither, or to people who are genderqueer, androgynous, or have other gender identities. Individuals may identify as lesbian, gay, heterosexual, bisexual, queer, pansexual, or asexual, among others. [...] Categories of sexual orientation typically have included attraction to members of one's own sex (gay men or lesbians), attraction to members of the other sex (heterosexuals), and attraction to members of both sexes (bisexuals). While these categories continue to be widely used, research has suggested that sexual orientation does not always appear in such definable categories and instead occurs on a continuum [...]. Some people identify as pansexual or queer in terms of their sexual orientation, which means they define their sexual orientation outside of the gender binary of 'male' and 'female' only.» 
  4. Marshall Cavendish Corporation, red. (2010), Sex and society (på engelsk), Marshall Cavendish, ISBN 978-0-7614-7905-5, OCLC 312443631, henta 16. august 2024 
  5. Bogaert, Anthony F. (4. mai 2015). «Asexuality: What It Is and Why It Matters». The Journal of Sex Research (på engelsk) 52 (4): 362–379. ISSN 0022-4499. doi:10.1080/00224499.2015.1015713.